Monday, September 23, 2019

Resume and Application Letter Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Resume and Application Letter Writing - Essay Example The essay "Resume and Application Letter Writing" is a consolidation of ideas presented by the students during the online interaction on the resume and application writing. The author of this report has provided additional information to fill in the gaps in the report to make it more comprehensive and relevant to the readers. The resume or application letter does not grab the attention of the employer in the first 10 seconds that application will probably go into the trash. As it is, writing an attention grabbing resume is a must. Effective resumes are interesting, brief, concise and to the point. Well written resumes and application letters are very important to create a positive first impression on the prospective employer and get that precious interview appointment. There were three basic resume formats discussed by the group online. These resume formats are (a) chronological format, (b) functional format and (c) combination format. The chronological resume which outlines the appl icant’s job experiences in a reverse chronological order is the most widely used resume format. Technically, the reverse chronological resume illustrates the candidate’s career growth in the past years and capitalizes on the experience gained by the applicant through his or her previous work. Many employers prefer to review this type of resume for the following reasons, they are more familiar with this type of resume, the chronological resume is easier to understand and it highlights the career growth and stability of the applicant.

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